Яблоки энергетическая ценность: Калорийность Яблоко. Химический состав и пищевая ценность.

Калорийность Яблоко. Химический состав и пищевая ценность.

Химический состав и анализ пищевой ценности

Пищевая ценность и химический состав «Яблоко».

В таблице приведено содержание пищевых веществ (калорийности, белков, жиров, углеводов, витаминов и минералов) на 100 грамм съедобной части.

НутриентКоличествоНорма**% от нормы в 100 г% от нормы в 100 ккал100% нормы
Калорийность47 кКал1684 кКал2.8%6%3583 г
Белки0.4 г76 г0.5%1.1%19000 г
Жиры0.4 г56 г0.7%1.5%14000 г
Углеводы9.8 г219 г4.5%9.6%2235 г
Органические кислоты0.8 г~
Пищевые волокна1.8 г20 г9%19.1%1111 г
Вода86.3 г
2273 г
3.8%8.1%2634 г
Зола0.5 г~
Витамин А, РЭ5 мкг900 мкг0.6%1.3%18000 г
бета Каротин0.03 мг
5 мг
0.6%1.3%16667 г
Витамин В1, тиамин0.03 мг1.5 мг2%4.3%5000 г
Витамин В2, рибофлавин
0.02 мг
1.8 мг1.1%2.3%9000 г
Витамин В4, холин3.4 мг500 мг0.7%1.5%14706 г
Витамин В5, пантотеновая0.07 мг5 мг1.4%3%7143 г
Витамин В6, пиридоксин0.08 мг2 мг4%8.5%2500 г
Витамин В9, фолаты2 мкг400 мкг0.5%1.1%20000 г
Витамин C, аскорбиновая10 мг90 мг11.1%23.6%
900 г
Витамин Е, альфа токоферол, ТЭ0.2 мг15 мг1.3%2.8%7500 г
Витамин Н, биотин0.3 мкг50 мкг0.6%
16667 г
Витамин К, филлохинон2.2 мкг120 мкг1.8%3.8%5455 г
Витамин РР, НЭ0.4 мг20 мг
4.3%5000 г
Ниацин0.3 мг~
Калий, K278 мг2500 мг11.1%23.6%899 г
Кальций, Ca16 мг1000 мг1.6%3.4%6250 г
Кремний, Si2 мг30 мг6.7%14.3%1500 г
Магний, Mg9 мг400 мг2.3%4.9%4444 г
Натрий, Na26 мг1300 мг2%4.3%5000 г
Сера, S5 мг1000 мг0.5%1.1%20000 г
Фосфор, Ph11 мг800 мг1.4%3%7273 г
Хлор, Cl2 мг2300 мг0.1%0.2%115000 г
Алюминий, Al110 мкг~
Бор, B245 мкг~
Ванадий, V4 мкг~
Железо, Fe2.2 мг18 мг12.2%26%818 г
Йод, I2 мкг150 мкг1.3%2.8%7500 г
Кобальт, Co1 мкг10 мкг10%21.3%1000 г
Литий, Li0.8 мкг~
Марганец, Mn0.047 мг2 мг2.4%5.1%4255 г
Медь, Cu110 мкг1000 мкг11%23.4%909 г
Молибден, Mo6 мкг70 мкг8.6%18.3%1167 г
Никель, Ni17 мкг~
Рубидий, Rb63 мкг~
Селен, Se0.3 мкг55 мкг0.5%1.1%18333 г
Стронций, Sr3.4 мкг~
Фтор, F8 мкг4000 мкг0.2%0.4%50000 г
Хром, Cr4 мкг50 мкг8%17%1250 г
Цинк, Zn0.15 мг12 мг1.3%2.8%8000 г
Цирконий, Zr3 мкг~
Усвояемые углеводы
Крахмал и декстрины0.8 г~
Моно- и дисахариды (сахара)9 гmax 100 г
Глюкоза (декстроза)2 г~
Сахароза1.5 г~
Фруктоза5.5 г~
Незаменимые аминокислоты0.088 г~
Аргинин*0.01 г~
Валин0.012 г~
Гистидин*0.007 г~
Изолейцин0.013 г~
Лейцин0.019 г~
Лизин0.018 г~
Метионин0.003 г~
Метионин + Цистеин0.01 г~
Треонин0.011 г~
Триптофан0.003 г~
Фенилаланин0.009 г~
Фенилаланин+Тирозин0.02 г~
Заменимые аминокислоты0.208 г~
Аланин0.017 г~
Аспарагиновая кислота0.078 г~
Глицин0.014 г~
Глутаминовая кислота0.042 г~
Пролин0.013 г~
Серин0.016 г~
Тирозин0.006 г~
Цистеин0.005 г~
Насыщенные жирные кислоты
Насыщеные жирные кислоты0.1 гmax 18.7 г
Полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты
Омега-3 жирные кислоты0.009 гот 0.9 до 3.7 г1%2.1%
Омега-6 жирные кислоты0.043 гот 4.7 до 16.8 г0.9%1.9%

Энергетическая ценность Яблоко составляет 47 кКал.

Основной источник: Создан в приложении пользователем. Подробнее.

** В данной таблице указаны средние нормы витаминов и минералов для взрослого человека. Если вы хотите узнать нормы с учетом вашего пола, возраста и других факторов, тогда воспользуйтесь приложением «Мой здоровый рацион».

Калорийность Яблоки. Химический состав и пищевая ценность.

Химический состав и анализ пищевой ценности

Пищевая ценность и химический состав «Яблоки».

В таблице приведено содержание пищевых веществ (калорийности, белков, жиров, углеводов, витаминов и минералов) на 100 грамм съедобной части.

НутриентКоличествоНорма**% от нормы в 100 г% от нормы в 100 ккал100% нормы
Калорийность47 кКал1684 кКал2.8%6%3583 г
Белки0.4 г76 г0.5%1.1%19000 г
Жиры0.4 г56 г0.7%1.5%14000 г
Углеводы9.8 г219 г4.5%9.6%2235 г
Органические кислоты0.8 г~
Пищевые волокна1.8 г20 г9%19.1%1111 г
Вода86.3 г2273 г3.8%8.1%2634 г
Зола0.5 г~
Витамин А, РЭ5 мкг900 мкг0.6%1.3%18000 г
бета Каротин0.03 мг5 мг0.6%1.3%16667 г
Витамин В1, тиамин0.03 мг1.5 мг2%4.3%5000 г
Витамин В2, рибофлавин0.02 мг1.8 мг1.1%2.3%9000 г
Витамин В4, холин3.4 мг500 мг0.7%1.5%14706 г
Витамин В5, пантотеновая0.07 мг5 мг1.4%3%7143 г
Витамин В6, пиридоксин0.08 мг2 мг4%8.5%2500 г
Витамин В9, фолаты2 мкг400 мкг0.5%1.1%20000 г
Витамин C, аскорбиновая10 мг90 мг11.1%23.6%900 г
Витамин Е, альфа токоферол, ТЭ0.2 мг15 мг1.3%2.8%7500 г
Витамин Н, биотин0.3 мкг50 мкг0.6%1.3%16667 г
Витамин К, филлохинон2.2 мкг120 мкг1.8%3.8%5455 г
Витамин РР, НЭ0.4 мг20 мг2%4.3%5000 г
Ниацин0.3 мг~
Калий, K278 мг2500 мг11.1%23.6%899 г
Кальций, Ca16 мг1000 мг1.6%3.4%6250 г
Кремний, Si2 мг30 мг6.7%14.3%1500 г
Магний, Mg9 мг400 мг2.3%4.9%4444 г
Натрий, Na26 мг1300 мг2%4.3%5000 г
Сера, S5 мг1000 мг0.5%1.1%20000 г
Фосфор, Ph11 мг800 мг1.4%3%7273 г
Хлор, Cl2 мг2300 мг0.1%0.2%115000 г
Алюминий, Al110 мкг~
Бор, B245 мкг~
Ванадий, V4 мкг~
Железо, Fe2.2 мг18 мг12.2%26%818 г
Йод, I2 мкг150 мкг1.3%2.8%7500 г
Кобальт, Co1 мкг10 мкг10%21.3%1000 г
Литий, Li0.8 мкг~
Марганец, Mn0.047 мг2 мг2.4%5.1%4255 г
Медь, Cu110 мкг1000 мкг11%23.4%909 г
Молибден, Mo6 мкг70 мкг8.6%18.3%1167 г
Никель, Ni17 мкг~
Рубидий, Rb63 мкг~
Селен, Se0.3 мкг55 мкг0.5%1.1%18333 г
Стронций, Sr3.4 мкг~
Фтор, F8 мкг4000 мкг0.2%0.4%50000 г
Хром, Cr4 мкг50 мкг8%17%1250 г
Цинк, Zn0.15 мг12 мг1.3%2.8%8000 г
Цирконий, Zr3 мкг~
Усвояемые углеводы
Крахмал и декстрины0.8 г~
Моно- и дисахариды (сахара)9 гmax 100 г
Глюкоза (декстроза)2 г~
Сахароза1.5 г~
Фруктоза5.5 г~
Незаменимые аминокислоты0.088 г~
Аргинин*0.01 г~
Валин0.012 г~
Гистидин*0.007 г~
Изолейцин0.013 г~
Лейцин0.019 г~
Лизин0.018 г~
Метионин0.003 г~
Метионин + Цистеин0.01 г~
Треонин0.011 г~
Триптофан0.003 г~
Фенилаланин0.009 г~
Фенилаланин+Тирозин0.02 г~
Заменимые аминокислоты0.208 г~
Аланин0.017 г~
Аспарагиновая кислота0.078 г~
Глицин0.014 г~
Глутаминовая кислота0.042 г~
Пролин0.013 г~
Серин0.016 г~
Тирозин0.006 г~
Цистеин0.005 г~
Насыщенные жирные кислоты
Насыщеные жирные кислоты0.1 гmax 18.7 г
Полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты
Омега-3 жирные кислоты0.009 гот 0.9 до 3.7 г1%2.1%
Омега-6 жирные кислоты0.043 гот 4.7 до 16.8 г0.9%1.9%

Энергетическая ценность Яблоки составляет 47 кКал.

Основной источник: Создан в приложении пользователем. Подробнее.

** В данной таблице указаны средние нормы витаминов и минералов для взрослого человека. Если вы хотите узнать нормы с учетом вашего пола, возраста и других факторов, тогда воспользуйтесь приложением «Мой здоровый рацион».

Калорийность Яблоко. Химический состав и пищевая ценность.

Химический состав и анализ пищевой ценности

Пищевая ценность и химический состав «Яблоко».

В таблице приведено содержание пищевых веществ (калорийности, белков, жиров, углеводов, витаминов и минералов) на штуку съедобной части.

НутриентКоличествоНорма**% от нормы в 100 г% от нормы в 100 ккал100% нормы
Калорийность47 кКал1684 кКал2.8%6%3583 г
Белки0.4 г76 г0.5%1.1%19000 г
Жиры0.4 г56 г0.7%1.5%14000 г
Углеводы9.8 г219 г4.5%9.6%2235 г
Органические кислоты0.8 г~
Пищевые волокна1.8 г20 г9%19.1%1111 г
Вода86.3 г2273 г3.8%8.1%2634 г
Зола0.5 г~
Витамин А, РЭ5 мкг900 мкг0.6%1.3%18000 г
бета Каротин0.03 мг5 мг0.6%1.3%16667 г
Витамин В1, тиамин0.03 мг1.5 мг2%4.3%5000 г
Витамин В2, рибофлавин0.02 мг1.8 мг1.1%2.3%9000 г
Витамин В4, холин3.4 мг500 мг0.7%1.5%14706 г
Витамин В5, пантотеновая0.07 мг5 мг1.4%3%7143 г
Витамин В6, пиридоксин0.08 мг2 мг4%8.5%2500 г
Витамин В9, фолаты2 мкг400 мкг0.5%1.1%20000 г
Витамин C, аскорбиновая10 мг90 мг11.1%23.6%900 г
Витамин Е, альфа токоферол, ТЭ0.2 мг15 мг1.3%2.8%7500 г
Витамин Н, биотин0.3 мкг50 мкг0.6%1.3%16667 г
Витамин К, филлохинон2.2 мкг120 мкг1.8%3.8%5455 г
Витамин РР, НЭ0.4 мг20 мг2%4.3%5000 г
Ниацин0.3 мг~
Калий, K278 мг2500 мг11.1%23.6%899 г
Кальций, Ca16 мг1000 мг1.6%3.4%6250 г
Кремний, Si2 мг30 мг6.7%14.3%1500 г
Магний, Mg9 мг400 мг2.3%4.9%4444 г
Натрий, Na26 мг1300 мг2%4.3%5000 г
Сера, S5 мг1000 мг0.5%1.1%20000 г
Фосфор, Ph11 мг800 мг1.4%3%7273 г
Хлор, Cl2 мг2300 мг0.1%0.2%115000 г
Алюминий, Al110 мкг~
Бор, B245 мкг~
Ванадий, V4 мкг~
Железо, Fe2.2 мг18 мг12.2%26%818 г
Йод, I2 мкг150 мкг1.3%2.8%7500 г
Кобальт, Co1 мкг10 мкг10%21.3%1000 г
Литий, Li0.8 мкг~
Марганец, Mn0.047 мг2 мг2.4%5.1%4255 г
Медь, Cu110 мкг1000 мкг11%23.4%909 г
Молибден, Mo6 мкг70 мкг8.6%18.3%1167 г
Никель, Ni17 мкг~
Рубидий, Rb63 мкг~
Селен, Se0.3 мкг55 мкг0.5%1.1%18333 г
Стронций, Sr3.4 мкг~
Фтор, F8 мкг4000 мкг0.2%0.4%50000 г
Хром, Cr4 мкг50 мкг8%17%1250 г
Цинк, Zn0.15 мг12 мг1.3%2.8%8000 г
Цирконий, Zr3 мкг~
Усвояемые углеводы
Крахмал и декстрины0.8 г~
Моно- и дисахариды (сахара)9 гmax 100 г
Глюкоза (декстроза)2 г~
Сахароза1.5 г~
Фруктоза5.5 г~
Незаменимые аминокислоты0.088 г~
Аргинин*0.01 г~
Валин0.012 г~
Гистидин*0.007 г~
Изолейцин0.013 г~
Лейцин0.019 г~
Лизин0.018 г~
Метионин0.003 г~
Метионин + Цистеин0.01 г~
Треонин0.011 г~
Триптофан0.003 г~
Фенилаланин0.009 г~
Фенилаланин+Тирозин0.02 г~
Заменимые аминокислоты0.208 г~
Аланин0.017 г~
Аспарагиновая кислота0.078 г~
Глицин0.014 г~
Глутаминовая кислота0.042 г~
Пролин0.013 г~
Серин0.016 г~
Тирозин0.006 г~
Цистеин0.005 г~
Насыщенные жирные кислоты
Насыщеные жирные кислоты0.1 гmax 18.7 г
Полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты
Омега-3 жирные кислоты0.009 гот 0.9 до 3.7 г1%2.1%
Омега-6 жирные кислоты0.043 гот 4.7 до 16.8 г0.9%1.9%

Энергетическая ценность Яблоко составляет 47 кКал.

Основной источник: Создан в приложении пользователем. Подробнее.

** В данной таблице указаны средние нормы витаминов и минералов для взрослого человека. Если вы хотите узнать нормы с учетом вашего пола, возраста и других факторов, тогда воспользуйтесь приложением «Мой здоровый рацион».

Калорийность Яблоки. Химический состав и пищевая ценность.

Химический состав и анализ пищевой ценности

Пищевая ценность и химический состав «Яблоки».

В таблице приведено содержание пищевых веществ (калорийности, белков, жиров, углеводов, витаминов и минералов) на 100 грамм съедобной части.

НутриентКоличествоНорма**% от нормы в 100 г% от нормы в 100 ккал100% нормы
Калорийность37 кКал1684 кКал2.2%5.9%4551 г
Белки0.4 г76 г0.5%1.4%19000 г
Жиры0.4 г56 г0.7%1.9%14000 г
Углеводы9 г219 г4.1%11.1%2433 г
Органические кислоты0.8 г~
Пищевые волокна1.8 г20 г9%24.3%1111 г
Вода86.3 г2273 г3.8%10.3%2634 г
Зола0.5 г~
Витамин А, РЭ5 мкг900 мкг0.6%1.6%18000 г
бета Каротин0.03 мг5 мг0.6%1.6%16667 г
Витамин В1, тиамин0.03 мг1.5 мг2%5.4%5000 г
Витамин В2, рибофлавин0.02 мг1.8 мг1.1%3%9000 г
Витамин В4, холин3.4 мг500 мг0.7%1.9%14706 г
Витамин В5, пантотеновая0.07 мг5 мг1.4%3.8%7143 г
Витамин В6, пиридоксин0.08 мг2 мг4%10.8%2500 г
Витамин В9, фолаты2 мкг400 мкг0.5%1.4%20000 г
Витамин C, аскорбиновая10 мг90 мг11.1%30%900 г
Витамин Е, альфа токоферол, ТЭ0.2 мг15 мг1.3%3.5%7500 г
Витамин Н, биотин0.3 мкг50 мкг0.6%1.6%16667 г
Витамин К, филлохинон2.2 мкг120 мкг1.8%4.9%5455 г
Витамин РР, НЭ0.4 мг20 мг2%5.4%5000 г
Ниацин0.3 мг~
Калий, K278 мг2500 мг11.1%30%899 г
Кальций, Ca16 мг1000 мг1.6%4.3%6250 г
Кремний, Si2 мг30 мг6.7%18.1%1500 г
Магний, Mg9 мг400 мг2.3%6.2%4444 г
Натрий, Na26 мг1300 мг2%5.4%5000 г
Сера, S5 мг1000 мг0.5%1.4%20000 г
Фосфор, Ph11 мг800 мг1.4%3.8%7273 г
Хлор, Cl2 мг2300 мг0.1%0.3%115000 г
Алюминий, Al110 мкг~
Бор, B245 мкг~
Ванадий, V4 мкг~
Железо, Fe2.2 мг18 мг12.2%33%818 г
Йод, I2 мкг150 мкг1.3%3.5%7500 г
Кобальт, Co1 мкг10 мкг10%27%1000 г
Литий, Li0.8 мкг~
Марганец, Mn0.047 мг2 мг2.4%6.5%4255 г
Медь, Cu110 мкг1000 мкг11%29.7%909 г
Молибден, Mo6 мкг70 мкг8.6%23.2%1167 г
Никель, Ni17 мкг~
Рубидий, Rb63 мкг~
Селен, Se0.3 мкг55 мкг0.5%1.4%18333 г
Стронций, Sr3.4 мкг~
Фтор, F8 мкг4000 мкг0.2%0.5%50000 г
Хром, Cr4 мкг50 мкг8%21.6%1250 г
Цинк, Zn0.15 мг12 мг1.3%3.5%8000 г
Цирконий, Zr3 мкг~
Усвояемые углеводы
Крахмал и декстрины0.8 г~
Моно- и дисахариды (сахара)9 гmax 100 г
Глюкоза (декстроза)2 г~
Сахароза1.5 г~
Фруктоза5.5 г~
Незаменимые аминокислоты0.088 г~
Аргинин*0.01 г~
Валин0.012 г~
Гистидин*0.007 г~
Изолейцин0.013 г~
Лейцин0.019 г~
Лизин0.018 г~
Метионин0.003 г~
Метионин + Цистеин0.01 г~
Треонин0.011 г~
Триптофан0.003 г~
Фенилаланин0.009 г~
Фенилаланин+Тирозин0.02 г~
Заменимые аминокислоты0.208 г~
Аланин0.017 г~
Аспарагиновая кислота0.078 г~
Глицин0.014 г~
Глутаминовая кислота0.042 г~
Пролин0.013 г~
Серин0.016 г~
Тирозин0.006 г~
Цистеин0.005 г~
Насыщенные жирные кислоты
Насыщеные жирные кислоты0.1 гmax 18.7 г
Полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты
Омега-3 жирные кислоты0.009 гот 0.9 до 3.7 г1%2.7%
Омега-6 жирные кислоты0.043 гот 4.7 до 16.8 г0.9%2.4%

Энергетическая ценность Яблоки составляет 37 кКал.

Основной источник: Создан в приложении пользователем. Подробнее.

** В данной таблице указаны средние нормы витаминов и минералов для взрослого человека. Если вы хотите узнать нормы с учетом вашего пола, возраста и других факторов, тогда воспользуйтесь приложением «Мой здоровый рацион».

Калорийность яблоко. Химический состав и пищевая ценность.

Химический состав и анализ пищевой ценности

Пищевая ценность и химический состав «яблоко».

В таблице приведено содержание пищевых веществ (калорийности, белков, жиров, углеводов, витаминов и минералов) на 100 грамм съедобной части.

НутриентКоличествоНорма**% от нормы в 100 г% от нормы в 100 ккал100% нормы
Калорийность52 кКал1684 кКал3.1%6%3238 г
Белки0.26 г76 г0.3%0.6%29231 г
Жиры0.17 г56 г0.3%0.6%32941 г
Углеводы13.81 г219 г6.3%12.1%1586 г
Пищевые волокна2.4 г20 г12%23.1%833 г
бета Каротин26.53 мг5 мг530.6%1020.4%19 г
бета Криптоксантин11 мкг~
Лютеин + Зеаксантин29 мкг~
Витамин В1, тиамин0.018 мг1.5 мг1.2%2.3%8333 г
Витамин В2, рибофлавин0.011 мг1.8 мг0.6%1.2%16364 г
Витамин В4, холин3.4 мг500 мг0.7%1.3%14706 г
Витамин В5, пантотеновая0.1 мг5 мг2%3.8%5000 г
Витамин В6, пиридоксин0.065 мг2 мг3.3%6.3%3077 г
Витамин В9, фолаты6.8 мкг400 мкг1.7%3.3%5882 г
Витамин C, аскорбиновая19.5 мг90 мг21.7%41.7%462 г
Витамин Е, альфа токоферол, ТЭ0.51 мг15 мг3.4%6.5%2941 г
Витамин К, филлохинон3 мкг120 мкг2.5%4.8%4000 г
Витамин РР, НЭ1.23 мг20 мг6.2%11.9%1626 г
Бетаин0.1 мг~
Калий, K165 мг2500 мг6.6%12.7%1515 г
Кальций, Ca9.65 мг1000 мг1%1.9%10363 г
Кремний, Si4 мг30 мг13.3%25.6%750 г
Магний, Mg6.15 мг400 мг1.5%2.9%6504 г
Натрий, Na2.5 мг1300 мг0.2%0.4%52000 г
Сера, S5 мг1000 мг0.5%1%20000 г
Фосфор, Ph20.1 мг800 мг2.5%4.8%3980 г
Хлор, Cl2 мг2300 мг0.1%0.2%115000 г
Алюминий, Al110 мкг~
Бор, B245 мкг~
Ванадий, V4 мкг~
Железо, Fe1.9 мг18 мг10.6%20.4%947 г
Йод, I2 мкг150 мкг1.3%2.5%7500 г
Кобальт, Co1 мкг10 мкг10%19.2%1000 г
Литий, Li0.8 мкг~
Марганец, Mn63 мг2 мг3150%6057.7%3 г
Медь, Cu40 мкг1000 мкг4%7.7%2500 г
Молибден, Mo6 мкг70 мкг8.6%16.5%1167 г
Никель, Ni17 мкг~
Олово, Sn3 мкг~
Рубидий, Rb63 мкг~
Селен, Se0.3 мкг55 мкг0.5%1%18333 г
Стронций, Sr3.4 мкг~
Фтор, F3.3 мкг4000 мкг0.1%0.2%121212 г
Хром, Cr4 мкг50 мкг8%15.4%1250 г
Цинк, Zn98 мг12 мг816.7%1570.6%12 г
Усвояемые углеводы
Крахмал и декстрины0.05 г~
Моно- и дисахариды (сахара)9.5 гmax 100 г
Галактоза2.2 г~
Сахароза1.56 г~
Фруктоза5.86 г~
Незаменимые аминокислоты0.071 г~
Валин0.01 г~
Гистидин*0.004 г~
Изолейцин0.009 г~
Лейцин0.014 г~
Лизин0.013 г~
Метионин0.003 г~
Треонин0.008 г~
Триптофан0.003 г~
Фенилаланин0.007 г~
Заменимые аминокислоты0.224 г~
Аланин0.011 г~
Аспарагиновая кислота0.078 г~
Глицин0.008 г~
Глутаминовая кислота0.022 г~
Пролин0.083 г~
Серин0.011 г~
Тирозин0.004 г~
Цистеин0.001 г~
Стеролы (стерины)
Фитостеролы12 мг~
Жирные кислоты
мононенасыщенные трансжиры0.205 г~
Насыщенные жирные кислоты
Насыщеные жирные кислоты0.066 гmax 18.7 г
16:0 Пальмитиновая0.056 г~
18:0 Стеариновая0.01 г~
Мононенасыщенные жирные кислоты
18:1 Олеиновая (омега-9)0.01 г~
Полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты
18:2 Линолевая0.154 г~
18:3 Линоленовая0.041 г~
Омега-3 жирные кислоты0.041 гот 0.9 до 3.7 г4.6%8.8%
Омега-6 жирные кислоты0.154 гот 4.7 до 16.8 г3.3%6.3%

Энергетическая ценность яблоко составляет 52 кКал.

Основной источник: Создан в приложении пользователем. Подробнее.

** В данной таблице указаны средние нормы витаминов и минералов для взрослого человека. Если вы хотите узнать нормы с учетом вашего пола, возраста и других факторов, тогда воспользуйтесь приложением «Мой здоровый рацион».

Калорийность яблоко зеленое. Химический состав и пищевая ценность.

Химический состав и анализ пищевой ценности

Пищевая ценность и химический состав «яблоко зеленое».

В таблице приведено содержание пищевых веществ (калорийности, белков, жиров, углеводов, витаминов и минералов) на 100 грамм съедобной части.

НутриентКоличествоНорма**% от нормы в 100 г% от нормы в 100 ккал100% нормы
Калорийность42 кКал1684 кКал2.5%6%4010 г
Белки0.4 г76 г0.5%1.2%19000 г
Жиры0.4 г56 г0.7%1.7%14000 г
Углеводы9.5 г219 г4.3%10.2%2305 г
Органические кислоты0.8 г~
Пищевые волокна1.8 г20 г9%21.4%1111 г
Вода87.5 г2273 г3.8%9%2598 г
Витамин А, РЭ0.05 мкг900 мкг1800000 г
Витамин В1, тиамин0.03 мг1.5 мг2%4.8%5000 г
Витамин В2, рибофлавин0.03 мг1.8 мг1.7%4%6000 г
Витамин В5, пантотеновая0.07 мг5 мг1.4%3.3%7143 г
Витамин В6, пиридоксин0.08 мг2 мг4%9.5%2500 г
Витамин В9, фолаты2 мкг400 мкг0.5%1.2%20000 г
Витамин Е, альфа токоферол, ТЭ0.6 мг15 мг4%9.5%2500 г
Витамин Н, биотин0.3 мкг50 мкг0.6%1.4%16667 г
Витамин К, филлохинон2.2 мкг120 мкг1.8%4.3%5455 г
Калий, K278 мг2500 мг11.1%26.4%899 г
Кальций, Ca16 мг1000 мг1.6%3.8%6250 г
Магний, Mg9 мг400 мг2.3%5.5%4444 г
Натрий, Na26 мг1300 мг2%4.8%5000 г
Сера, S5 мг1000 мг0.5%1.2%20000 г
Фосфор, Ph11 мг800 мг1.4%3.3%7273 г
Хлор, Cl2 мг2300 мг0.1%0.2%115000 г
Бор, B245 мкг~
Ванадий, V4 мкг~
Железо, Fe2.2 мг18 мг12.2%29%818 г
Йод, I2 мкг150 мкг1.3%3.1%7500 г
Кобальт, Co1 мкг10 мкг10%23.8%1000 г
Марганец, Mn47 мг2 мг2350%5595.2%4 г
Медь, Cu110 мкг1000 мкг11%26.2%909 г
Молибден, Mo6 мкг70 мкг8.6%20.5%1167 г
Фтор, F8 мкг4000 мкг0.2%0.5%50000 г
Хром, Cr4 мкг50 мкг8%19%1250 г
Цинк, Zn150 мг12 мг1250%2976.2%8 г

Энергетическая ценность яблоко зеленое составляет 42 кКал.

Основной источник: Создан в приложении пользователем. Подробнее.

** В данной таблице указаны средние нормы витаминов и минералов для взрослого человека. Если вы хотите узнать нормы с учетом вашего пола, возраста и других факторов, тогда воспользуйтесь приложением «Мой здоровый рацион».

Калорийность Яблоко. Химический состав и пищевая ценность.

Химический состав и анализ пищевой ценности

Пищевая ценность и химический состав «Яблоко».

В таблице приведено содержание пищевых веществ (калорийности, белков, жиров, углеводов, витаминов и минералов) на 100 грамм съедобной части.

НутриентКоличествоНорма**% от нормы в 100 г% от нормы в 100 ккал100% нормы
Калорийность50 кКал1684 кКал3%6%3368 г
Белки1 г76 г1.3%2.6%7600 г
Жиры1 г56 г1.8%3.6%5600 г
Углеводы11 г219 г5%10%1991 г

Энергетическая ценность Яблоко составляет 50 кКал.

Основной источник: Создан в приложении пользователем. Подробнее.

** В данной таблице указаны средние нормы витаминов и минералов для взрослого человека. Если вы хотите узнать нормы с учетом вашего пола, возраста и других факторов, тогда воспользуйтесь приложением «Мой здоровый рацион».

90000 10 Impressive Health Benefits of Apples 90001 90002 Apples are one of the most popular fruits — and for good reason. 90003 90002 They’re an exceptionally healthy fruit with many research-backed benefits. 90003 90002 Here are 10 impressive health benefits of apples. 90003 90002 A medium apple — with a diameter of about 3 inches (7.6 centimeters) — equals 1.5 cups of fruit. Two cups of fruit daily are recommended on a 2,000-calorie diet. 90003 90002 One medium apple — 6.4 ounces or 182 grams — offers the following nutrients (1): 90003 90012 90013 90014 Calories: 90015 95 90016 90013 90014 Carbs: 90015 25 grams 90016 90013 90014 Fiber: 90015 4 grams 90016 90013 90014 Vitamin C: 90015 14% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) 90016 90013 90014 Potassium: 90015 6% of the RDI 90016 90013 90014 Vitamin K: 90015 5% of the RDI 90016 90037 90002 What’s more, the same serving provides 2-4% of the RDI for manganese, copper, and the vitamins A, E, B1, B2, and B6.90003 90002 Apples are also a rich source of polyphenols. While nutrition labels do not list these plant compounds, they’re likely responsible for many of the health benefits. 90003 90002 To get the most out of apples, leave the skin on — it contains half of the fiber and many of the polyphenols. 90003 90044 90014 SUMMARY 90015 Apples are a good source of fiber and vitamin C. They also contain polyphenols, which may have numerous health benefits. 90047 90002 Apples are high in fiber and water — two qualities that make them filling.90003 90002 In one study, people who ate apple slices before a meal felt fuller than those who consumed applesauce, apple juice, or no apple products (2). 90003 90002 In the same study, those who started their meal with apple slices also ate an average of 200 fewer calories than those who did not (2). 90003 90002 In another 10-week study in 50 overweight women, participants who ate apples lost an average of 2 pounds (1 kg) and ate fewer calories overall, compared to those who ate oat cookies with a similar calorie and fiber content (3) .90003 90002 Researchers think that apples are more filling because they’re less energy-dense, yet still deliver fiber and volume. 90003 90002 Furthermore, some natural compounds in them may promote weight loss. 90003 90002 A study in obese mice found that those given a supplement of ground apples and apple juice concentrate lost more weight and had lower levels of «bad» LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and total cholesterol than the control group (4). 90003 90044 90014 SUMMARY 90015 Apples may aid weight loss in several ways.They’re also particularly filling due to their high fiber content. 90047 90002 Apples have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease (5). 90003 90002 One reason may be that apples contain soluble fiber — the kind that can help lower your blood cholesterol levels. 90003 90002 They also contain polyphenols, which have antioxidant effects. Many of these are concentrated in the peel. 90003 90002 One of these polyphenols is the flavonoid epicatechin, which may lower blood pressure. 90003 90002 An analysis of studies found that high intakes of flavonoids were linked to a 20% lower risk of stroke (6).90003 90002 Flavonoids can help prevent heart disease by lowering blood pressure, reducing «bad» LDL oxidation, and acting as antioxidants (7). 90003 90002 Another study comparing the effects of eating an apple a day to taking statins — a class of drugs known to lower cholesterol — concluded that apples would be almost as effective at reducing death from heart disease as the drugs (8). 90003 90002 However, since this was not a controlled trial, findings must be taken with a grain of salt. 90003 90002 Another study linked consuming white-fleshed fruits and vegetables, such as apples and pears, to a reduced risk of stroke.For every 25 grams — about 1/5 cup of apple slices — consumed, the risk of stroke decreased by 9% (9). 90003 90044 90014 SUMMARY 90015 Apples promote heart health in several ways. They’re high in soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol. They also have polyphenols, which are linked to lower blood pressure and stroke risk. 90047 90002 Several studies have linked eating apples to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes (10). 90003 90002 In one large study, eating an apple a day was linked to a 28% lower risk of type 2 diabetes, compared to not eating any apples.Even eating just a few apples per week had a similarly protective effect (11). 90003 90002 It’s possible that the polyphenols in apples help prevent tissue damage to beta cells in your pancreas. Beta cells produce insulin in your body and are often damaged in people with type 2 diabetes. 90003 90044 90014 SUMMARY 90015 Eating apples is linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. This is possibly due to their polyphenol antioxidant content. 90047 90002 Apples contain pectin, a type of fiber that acts as a prebiotic.This means it feeds the good bacteria in your gut. 90003 90002 Your small intestine does not absorb fiber during digestion. Instead, it goes to your colon, where it can promote the growth of good bacteria. It also turns into other helpful compounds that circulate back through your body (5). 90003 90002 New research suggests that this may be the reason behind some of the protective effects of apples against obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. 90003 90044 90014 SUMMARY 90015 The type of fiber in apples feeds good bacteria and may be the reason they protect against obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.90047 90002 Test-tube studies have shown a link between plant compounds in apples and a lower risk of cancer (11). 90003 90002 Additionally, one study in women reported that eating apples was linked to lower rates of death from cancer (12). 90003 90002 Scientists believe that their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects may be responsible for their potential cancer-preventive effects (13). 90003 90044 90014 SUMMARY 90015 Apples have several naturally occurring compounds that may help fight cancer.Observational studies have linked them to a lower risk of cancer and death from cancer. 90047 90002 Antioxidant-rich apples may help protect your lungs from oxidative damage. 90003 90002 A large study in more than 68,000 women found that those who ate the most apples had the lowest risk of asthma. Eating about 15% of a large apple per day was linked to a 10% lower risk of this condition (11). 90003 90002 Apple skin contains the flavonoid quercetin, which can help regulate the immune system and reduce inflammation.These are two ways in which it may affect asthma and allergic reactions (14). 90003 90044 90014 SUMMARY 90015 Apples contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that may help regulate immune responses and protect against asthma. 90047 90002 Eating fruit is linked to higher bone density, which is a marker of bone health. 90003 90002 Researchers believe that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds in fruit may help promote bone density and strength. 90003 90002 Some studies show that apples, specifically, may positively affect bone health (15).90003 90002 In one study, women ate a meal that either included fresh apples, peeled apples, applesauce, or no apple products. Those who ate apples lost less calcium from their bodies than the control group (11). 90003 90044 90014 SUMMARY 90015 The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds in apples may promote bone health. What’s more, eating fruit may help preserve bone mass as you age. 90047 90002 The class of painkillers known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can injure the lining of your stomach.90003 90002 A study in test tubes and rats found that freeze-dried apple extract helped protect stomach cells from injury due to NSAIDs (11). 90003 90002 Two plant compounds in apples — chlorogenic acid and catechin — are thought to be particularly helpful (11). 90003 90002 However, research in humans is needed to confirm these results. 90003 90044 90014 SUMMARY 90015 Apples contain compounds that may help protect your stomach lining from injury due to NSAID painkillers. 90047 90002 Most research focuses on apple peel and flesh.90003 90002 However, apple juice may have benefits for age-related mental decline. 90003 90002 In animal studies, juice concentrate reduced harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS) in brain tissue and minimized mental decline (16). 90003 90002 Apple juice may help preserve acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that can decline with age. Low levels of acetylcholine are linked to Alzheimer’s disease (11). 90003 90002 Similarly, researchers who fed elderly rats whole apples found that a marker of the rats ‘memory was restored to the level of younger rats (11).90003 90002 That said, whole apples contain the same compounds as apple juice — and it is always a healthier choice to eat your fruit whole. 90003 90044 90014 SUMMARY 90015 According to animal studies, apple juice may help prevent the decline of neurotransmitters that are involved in memory. 90047 90002 Apples are incredibly good for you, and eating them is linked to a lower risk of many major diseases, including diabetes and cancer. 90003 90002 What’s more, its soluble fiber content may promote weight loss and gut health.90003 90002 A medium apple equals 1.5 cups of fruit — which is 3/4 of the 2-cup daily recommendation for fruit. 90003 90002 For the greatest benefits, eat the whole fruit — both skin and flesh. 90003 90176 How to Peel an Apple 90177.90000 Eve Energy — Apple (UK) 90001 90002 Eve for HomeKit 90003 90002 Eve works with all HomeKit-enabled accessories. See your home at a glance. Customize your ecosystem down to the finest detail. Activate scenes in a snap. And easily create automations using timers and rules. With Eve, you’re at the forefront of connected home control — and guided — every step of the way. 90003 90002 — AT A GLANCE — 90007 Get a quick overview of everything that’s happening in your conne cted home.Quickly access your favorite scenes to instantly control multiple accessories as one. And dive into room or type details with a simple tap. 90003 90002 — CONVENIENT CUSTOMIZATION — 90007 Personalize your home according to your exact preferences. Choose among the many pre-defined rooms or add your own. And organize all your HomeKit-enabled accessories in a way that feels natural. 90003 90002 — POWERFUL AUTOMATIONS — 90007 Easily create advanced scenes to control multiple accessories with a single command.And set timers to synchronize your home with your daily routine. Better yet, add powerful rules to set scenes based on accessory values ​​or your location, and have your home work for you — automatically. 90003 90002 — ABOUT EVE — 90007 The Eve family of HomeKit-enabled accessories puts your home at your fingertips. Control your lights, appliances, radiators and other connected comforts — with your iPhone or just your voice. Easily create automations for carefree convenience around the clock. And gather data on temperature, air quality, humidity, energy consumption and more.90003 90002 With Eve, meet your truly connected home: 90003 90002 NEW! Eve Room 90007 Indoor Air Quality Monitor 90007 • Track indoor air quality (VOC), temperature, and humidity 90007 • See measurements directly on the high-contrast e-ink display 90007 • Review past conditions by hours, days, months, and years 90007 • Built-in USB-rechargeable battery lasts 6 weeks or more 90007 • Automation and remote access courtesy of your home hub 90003 90002 NEW! Eve Aqua 90007 Smart Water Controller 90003 90002 • Activate your sprinkler via Siri, the app, or onboard button 90007 • Let it shut off automatically 90007 • Automate with schedules 90007 • Track water consumption 90007 • Remote access courtesy of your home hub 90003 90002 NEW ! Eve Flare 90007 Portable Smart LED Lamp 90003 90002 • Control your ambience via Siri or the app 90007 • Explore ready-made colors and create your own 90007 • Automate with timers 90007 • 6 hours of illumination, wireless charging, and IP65 water resistance 90007 • Automation and remote access courtesy of your home hub 90003 90002 Meet the whole Eve family of HomeKit-enabled accessories at evehome.com … More (Read full review) 90003 .90000 27 Foods That Can Give You More Energy 90001 90002 Many people feel tired or run-down at some point during the day. A lack of energy could affect your daily activities and make you less productive. 90003 90002 The fact is that the type and quantity of food you eat play an essential role in determining your energy levels during the day. 90003 90002 Even though all foods give you energy, some foods contain nutrients that could help increase your energy levels and maintain your alertness and focus throughout the day.90003 90002 Here is a list of foods that have been proven to help promote energy levels: 90003 90002 Bananas may be one of the best foods for energy. They are an excellent source of carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin B6, all of which can help boost energy levels in your body (1, 2). 90003 90002 One study showed that eating a banana before a 75-km cycling trial was as efficient as a carbohydrate drink for improving the performance of endurance athletes (1). 90003 90002 Fatty fish like salmon and tuna are good sources of protein, fatty acids and B vitamins, making them great foods to include in your diet.90003 90002 A serving of salmon or tuna provides you with the recommended daily amount of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12 (3, 4). 90003 90002 Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, which is a common cause of fatigue (5). 90003 90002 In fact, some studies determined that taking omega-3 supplements could decrease fatigue, especially in cancer patients and those recovering from cancer (6, 7). 90003 90002 Furthermore, vitamin B12 works together with folic acid to produce red blood cells and help iron work better in the body.Optimal levels of red blood cells and iron in the blood can reduce fatigue and increase energy (8). 90003 90002 Brown rice is a very nutritious food. Unlike white rice, it is less processed and retains more nutritional value in the form of fiber, vitamins and minerals. 90003 90002 One cup (195 grams) of cooked brown rice contains 3.5 grams of fiber and provides about 88% of the RDI for manganese, a mineral that helps your enzymes break down carbohydrates and proteins to generate energy (9, 10).90003 90002 Additionally, thanks to its fiber content, brown rice has a low glycemic index. Therefore, it could help regulate blood sugar levels and help you maintain steady energy levels throughout the day (11). 90003 90002 Besides being delicious, sweet potatoes are a nutritious source of energy for those looking for an extra boost. 90003 90002 One medium-sized sweet potato could pack up to 23 grams of carbohydrates, 3.8 grams of fiber, 28% of the RDI for manganese and a whopping 438% of the RDI for vitamin A (12).90003 90002 Thanks to sweet potatoes ‘fiber content and complex carbs, your body digests them at a slow pace, which provides you with a steady supply of energy (13). 90003 90002 Sweet potatoes are also a great source of manganese, which helps in the breakdown of nutrients to produce energy (10). 90003 90002 Coffee might be the first food you’d think to consume when you’re looking for a boost of energy. 90003 90002 It’s rich in caffeine. This compound can quickly pass from your bloodstream to your brain and inhibit the activity of adenosine, a neurotransmitter that quiets the central nervous system (14).90003 90002 In consequence, the production of epinephrine increases. This hormone stimulates the body and brain (15). 90003 90002 Even though coffee only provides two calories per cup, its stimulatory effects on the body can make you feel alert and focused (16). 90003 90002 Eggs are not only a tremendously satisfying food, but they can also provide energy to fuel your day. 90003 90002 Eggs are packed with protein, which can give you a steady and sustained source of energy because it does not cause spikes in blood sugar and insulin when it is digested (17).90003 90002 Additionally, leucine is the most abundant amino acid in eggs, and is known to stimulate energy production in several ways (18). 90003 90002 Leucine can help cells take in more blood sugar, stimulate the production of energy in the cells and increase the breakdown of fat to produce energy (19). 90003 90002 Moreover, eggs are rich in B vitamins. These vitamins help enzymes perform their role in the processes of breaking down food for energy (18, 20, 21). 90003 90002 Apples are one of the most popular fruits in the world, and are a good source of carbs and fiber.90003 90002 A medium-sized apple (185 grams) contains about 25 grams of carbs, 19 grams of sugar and up to 4 grams of fiber (22). 90003 90002 Due to their rich content of natural sugars and fiber, apples can provide a slow and sustained energy release (23). 90003 90002 Furthermore, apples have a high antioxidant content. Research has shown that antioxidants could slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, so they release energy over a more extended period of time (24). 90003 90002 Lastly, it is recommended to eat apples whole.Juices and purees, from which fiber is removed, are ingested faster and can only provide you with quickly digested energy (25). 90003 90002 Water is essential for life. It represents up to 60% of your body weight and is involved in many cellular functions, including energy production (26). 90003 90002 Not drinking enough water may lead to dehydration, which can slow down body functions, leaving you feeling sluggish and tired (26, 27). 90003 90002 Drinking water could give you a boost of energy and help fight off feelings of fatigue (26).90003 90002 You can avoid dehydration by drinking water even if you are not thirsty. Try to drink water regularly throughout the day. 90003 90002 Dark chocolate has a higher cocoa content than regular or milk chocolate. 90003 90002 The antioxidants in cocoa have been shown to have many health benefits, such as increasing blood flow throughout the body (28). 90003 90002 This effect helps the delivery of oxygen to the brain and muscles, which improves their functions. This can be especially helpful during exercise (29, 30, 31).90003 90002 Additionally, the increase of blood flow produced by antioxidants in cocoa could help reduce mental fatigue and improve mood (32). 90003 90002 Dark chocolate also contains stimulatory compounds such as theobromine and caffeine, which have been shown to enhance mental energy and mood (33). 90003 90002 Yerba maté is a drink made from the dried leaves of a plant native to South America. It has been shown to have many health benefits (34). 90003 90002 Yerba maté contains antioxidants and caffeine.A regular 8-ounce cup can offer about 85 mg of caffeine, which is similar to the amount in a small cup of coffee (34). 90003 90002 The caffeine in yerba maté promotes the production of the hormone epinephrine, which increases energy. However, unlike other stimulants, yerba maté does not seem to affect blood pressure or heart rate (35). 90003 90002 Animal and human research has suggested that yerba maté may enhance mental focus, memory, mood and even physical activity (36, 37, 38). 90003 90002 Goji berries have been used in Chinese medicine for centuries due to their multiple benefits.90003 90002 Besides being packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, this fruit is known to be a good source of fiber (39, 40). 90003 90002 Research has suggested that goji berry juice could provide antioxidant protection, assist with mental performance and alertness, and help decrease feelings of fatigue (41, 42, 43). 90003 90002 Additionally, goji berries are rich in fiber. A one-ounce serving (28 grams) provides 2 grams of fiber. This could help slow down digestion and release energy slowly (13, 39).90003 90002 Goji berries are easy to enjoy mixed in yogurt, smoothies, baked goods and sauces. Or you can simply eat them raw. 90003 90002 Quinoa is a seed popular for its high protein content. 90003 90002 One cup of quinoa provides 39 grams of carbs, 5 grams of dietary fiber, 8 grams of protein and a significant amount of vitamins and minerals (44). 90003 90002 Even though this superfood is high in carbohydrates, it has a low glycemic index, which indicates that its carbs are absorbed slowly and can provide sustained energy release (45, 46).90003 90002 Additionally, quinoa provides more than 20% of the RDI for manganese, magnesium and folate. All of these nutrients are used by enzymes in the process of producing energy (10, 47, 48). 90003 90002 Oatmeal is a whole-grain cereal that could provide you with long-lasting energy. 90003 90002 It contains beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that forms a thick gel when combined with water. The presence of this gel in the digestive system delays stomach emptying and the absorption of glucose into the blood (49, 50).90003 90002 Furthermore, oats are rich in vitamins and minerals that help the energy production process. These include B vitamins, iron and manganese (10, 20, 49). 90003 90002 The combination of all these nutrients makes oatmeal a perfect food for sustained energy release. 90003 90002 Yogurt is an excellent snack to fuel up your day. 90003 90002 The carbs in yogurt are mainly in the form of simple sugars, such as lactose and galactose. When broken down, these sugars can provide ready-to-use energy (51).90003 90002 Additionally, yogurt is packed with protein, which helps slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, thereby slowing down the release of sugars into the blood (52). 90003 90002 Moreover, yogurt contains great amounts of vitamins B2 and B12, which are involved in cellular functions. They aid the formation of the molecule ATP, which your cells use for fuel (20, 51). 90003 90002 Hummus is made with chickpeas, sesame seed paste, oil and lemon. The combination of these ingredients makes hummus a good source of energy (53).90003 90002 Chickpeas in hummus are a good source of complex carbs and fiber that the body uses for steady energy (13, 54). 90003 90002 In addition, the sesame seed paste and oil in hummus contains healthy fats. These ingredients are also helpful at slowing down the absorption of carbs, which helps you avoid blood sugar spikes (55, 56). 90003 90002 You can enjoy hummus as a dip for veggies or in combination with other dishes such as sandwiches or salads. 90003 90002 Edamame can be an easy and satisfying pick-me-up snack.90003 90002 It is relatively low in calories, but offers significant amounts of protein, carbs and fiber. Just one cup of edamame can pack up to 17 grams of protein, 16 grams of carbs and about 8 grams of fiber (57). 90003 90002 Additionally, it has high amounts of vitamins and minerals that can help increase energy in different ways. One cup of edamame provides 79% of the RDI for manganese and 121% of the RDI for folic acid (57). 90003 90002 Folic acid works with iron to promote energy and fight off fatigue and anemia, while manganese helps generate energy from the breakdown of carbs and protein (10, 58).90003 90002 Lastly, edamame contains great amounts of molybdenum, which acts as a stimulus for enzymes and assists in the breakdown of nutrients for energy (59). 90003 90002 Besides being a great and inexpensive source of protein, lentils are a good source of nutrients and help boost energy levels. 90003 90002 Lentils are legumes that are rich in carbs and fiber. One cup of cooked lentils provides up to 40 grams of carbs and about 16 grams of fiber (60). 90003 90002 The fiber in lentils promotes slow stomach emptying and more controlled increases in blood sugar levels.Therefore, you will not only feel full for longer after you eat them, but you can also expect steady energy levels (61). 90003 90002 Additionally, lentils can increase your energy levels by replenishing your stores of folate, manganese, zinc and iron. These nutrients assist in the effective production of energy in cells and breakdown of nutrients for the release of energy (10, 58, 62, 63). 90003 90002 Avocados are considered to be a superfood because of all their significant health benefits. 90003 90002 For example, they’re rich in healthy fats and fiber.About 84% of the healthy fats in avocados come from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (64). 90003 90002 These healthy fats have been shown to promote optimal blood fat levels and enhance the absorption of nutrients. They can also be stored in the body and used as energy sources (64, 55). 90003 90002 Additionally, the fiber in avocados accounts for 80% of their carbohydrate content, which can help maintain steady energy levels (64). 90003 90002 Furthermore, avocados are a good source of B vitamins, which are required for the optimal function of the mitochondria in your cells, where cellular energy is produced (20, 65).90003 90002 Oranges are famous for their high vitamin C content. One orange can provide as much as 106% of the RDI for vitamin C (66). 90003 90002 Additionally, oranges contain antioxidant compounds that can provide protection from oxidative stress (67). 90003 90002 Research has shown that oxidative stress could promote feelings of fatigue. Therefore, the antioxidant protection provided by compounds in oranges may be able to help decrease fatigue (67, 68). 90003 90002 In fact, one study showed that 13 women who consumed 17 ounces (500 ml) of orange juice and did one hour of aerobic training three times a week for three months saw decreases in muscle fatigue and experienced improvements in physical performance (69) .90003 90002 Strawberries are another good energy-boosting fruit. 90003 90002 They can provide you with carbs, fiber and sugars that can enhance energy levels. One cup of strawberries provides 12 grams of carbs, 3 grams of fiber and 7 grams of sugar (70). 90003 90002 Additionally, this same portion will give you 149% of the RDI for vitamin C (70). 90003 90002 Besides helping fight inflammation in the body, the antioxidants in strawberries may help fight fatigue and give you energy (68, 71, 72).90003 90002 You can incorporate strawberries in many recipes, and use them in smoothies, parfaits or salads. 90003 90002 Seeds, such as chia seeds, flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds, could also increase your energy levels. 90003 90002 These seeds are generally high in plant-based omega-3 fatty acids. Low levels of omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to increased inflammation and fatigue (6, 73, 74). 90003 90002 Fatty acids are also an important source of stored energy and help your cells function properly (55, 75).90003 90002 Moreover, seeds are a good source of fiber and protein. The fiber in seeds contributes to the slow digestion of the nutrients, resulting in a steady, sustained release of energy (76, 77, 78). 90003 90002 Beans are rich in nutrients and a great source of natural energy. 90003 90002 Even though there are hundreds of different types of beans, their nutrient profiles are very similar. They are a rich source of carbohydrates, fiber and protein (79). 90003 90002 Beans are digested slowly, which helps maintain stable blood sugar levels and gives you steady energy.Additionally, beans contain antioxidants that can help fight inflammation and promote energy (80). 90003 90002 Black beans and black-eyed peas are among the most famous kinds of beans. These beans are good sources of folic acid, iron, manganese and magnesium, which are involved in energy production and help with the delivery of energy to every cell in the body (81, 82). 90003 90002 Green tea is famous for its long list of health benefits. 90003 90002 It has a high concentration of powerful antioxidants that can help prevent oxidative stress and inflammation (83, 84).90003 90002 Similar to coffee, green tea contains caffeine, which can increase energy levels. However, green tea also contains a compound called L-theanine (83, 85). 90003 90002 L-theanine can moderate the effects of caffeine, such as anxiety and the jitters, and it produces a smoother boost of energy. Research has shown that the combination of caffeine and L-theanine in green tea can increase focus, alertness and mental concentration (83, 86, 87). 90003 90002 Moreover, green tea can be a good energy booster for physical activity because it can decrease fatigue by increasing the breakdown of fat and the release of the hormone norepinephrine (88, 89).90003 90002 Nuts can be a great snack packed with nutrients to promote energy. 90003 90002 Most nuts like almonds, walnuts and cashews are known for their high calories and abundance of proteins, carbs and healthy fats. These nutrients can provide you with a slow release of energy during the day (90). 90003 90002 They are also high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and antioxidants that can increase energy levels and help with inflammation and antioxidant protection (6, 91, 92). 90003 90002 Additionally, these nuts provide decent amounts of carbs and fiber for a steady and sustained energy boost (93).90003 90002 Nuts also contain other vitamins and minerals, such as manganese, iron, B vitamins and vitamin E. These can help increase energy production and decrease tiredness (8, 10, 20, 94). 90003 90002 Popcorn can be an excellent low-calorie, energizing snack. 90003 90002 It’s high in carbs and fiber, which can make it very satisfying and a good option for an energy-boosting snack (95). 90003 90002 A 100-gram serving of air-popped popcorn provides 78 grams of carbs and a whopping 15 grams of fiber, which makes popcorn one of the highest-fiber foods there is.Therefore, it could provide a steady release of energy (96). 90003 90002 Popcorn can be a healthy food when it’s cooked with wholesome ingredients using the air-pop cooking method. 90003 90002 Leafy green vegetables, such as spinach and kale, are excellent sources of nutrients that promote energy. 90003 90002 They are high in iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamins A, C, E and K. Additionally, they are packed with folic acid, fiber and antioxidants that provide health benefits (97). 90003 90002 Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of iron deficiency (8).90003 90002 Leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale are excellent sources of iron to replenish your body’s stores, and of vitamin C to enhance the absorption of iron in the body (98). 90003 90002 Iron enhances the production of red blood cells for the efficient delivery of oxygen to your cells, which is known to fight fatigue (8). 90003 90002 Furthermore, leafy green vegetables may also enhance the formation of nitric oxide, which helps the blood vessels widen for better blood flow through the body (99, 100).90003 90002 Beets have gained popularity recently due to their ability to improve energy and stamina. 90003 90002 Studies have shown that beetroot may be able to improve blood flow due to its antioxidant content and naturally occurring nitrates (100, 101). 90003 90002 As with leafy green vegetables, nitrates are compounds that help increase nitric oxide and improve blood flow throughout the body, allowing more oxygen delivery to tissues. This has the ability to increase energy levels, especially for athletic performance (100).90003 90002 Additionally, beets are packed with carbs, fiber and sugar for a sustained energy boost. 90003 90002 One cup of beets (136 grams) could provide up to 3.8 grams of fiber and 9.2 grams of natural sugars (102). 90003 90002 There is an abundant variety of foods that can help boost your energy. 90003 90002 Whether they are packed with carbs for readily available energy, or fiber and protein for a slower release of energy, these foods can help increase your power and stamina. 90003 90002 Additionally, many of these foods also contain significant amounts of other nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.90003 90002 All of these compounds have been shown to be involved in the production of energy within your cells, and they all provide many other health benefits. 90003 90002 If you want more energy, incorporating these foods into your diet is a great place to start. 90003 90256 Food Fix: Foods that Beat Fatigue 90257.90000 Heat values ​​of various fuels 90001 90002 90003 August 2018 90004 90005 90002 The heat value of a fuel is the amount of heat released during its combustion. Also referred to as energy or calorific value, heat value is a measure of a fuel’s energy density, and is expressed in energy (joules) per specified amount (90003 e.g. 90004 kilograms). 90005 90010 90011 90012 90013 90014 90013 Heat value 90014 90017 90018 90019 90020 90021 Hydrogen (H 90022 2 90023) 90024 90013 120-142 MJ / kg 90014 90017 90012 90021 Methane (CH 90022 4 90023) 90024 90013 50-55 MJ / kg 90014 90017 90020 90021 Methanol (CH 90022 3 90023 OH) 90024 90013 22.7 MJ / kg 90014 90017 90012 90021 Dimethyl ether — DME (CH 90022 3 90023 OCH 90022 3 90023) 90024 90013 29 MJ / kg 90014 90017 90020 90021 Petrol / gasoline 90024 90013 44-46 MJ / kg 90014 90017 90020 90021 Diesel fuel 90024 90013 42-46 MJ / kg 90014 90017 90020 90021 Crude oil 90024 90013 42-47 MJ / kg 90014 90017 90020 90021 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 90024 90013 46-51 MJ / kg 90014 90017 90020 90021 Natural gas 90024 90013 42-55 MJ / kg 90014 90017 90020 90021 Hard black coal (IEA definition) 90024 90013> 23.9 MJ / kg 90014 90017 90020 90021 Hard black coal (Australia & Canada) 90024 90013 c. 25 MJ / kg 90014 90017 90020 90021 Sub-bituminous coal (IEA definition) 90024 90013 17.4-23.9 MJ / kg 90014 90017 90020 90021 Sub-bituminous coal (Australia & Canada) 90024 90013 c. 18 MJ / kg 90014 90017 90020 90021 Lignite / brown coal (IEA definition) 90024 90013 <17.4 MJ / kg 90014 90017 90020 90021 Lignite / brown coal (Australia, electricity) 90024 90013 c. 10 MJ / kg 90014 90017 90020 90021 Firewood (dry) 90024 90013 16 MJ / kg 90014 90017 90020 90021 Natural uranium, in LWR (normal reactor) 90024 90013 500 GJ / kg 90014 90017 90020 90021 Natural uranium, in LWR with U & Pu recycle 90024 90013 650 GJ / kg 90014 90017 90020 90021 Natural uranium, in FNR 90024 90013 28,000 GJ / kg 90014 90017 90020 90021 Uranium enriched to 3.5%, in LWR 90024 90013 3900 GJ / kg 90014 90017 90150 90151 90002 Uranium figures are based on 45,000 MWd / t burn-up of 3.5% enriched U in LWR 90153 MJ = 10 90154 6 90155 Joule, GJ = 10 90154 9 90155 J 90153 MJ to kWh @ 33% efficiency: x 0.0926 90153 One tonne of oil equivalent (toe) is equal to 41.868 GJ 90005 90161 90162 Notes & references 90163 90002 General sources 90005 90002 NIST Chemistry WebBook 90153 OECD / IEA Electricity Information (various editions) 90153 International Gas Union, Natural Gas Conversion Guide 90005 .

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